Kobuki is a low-cost mobile research base designed for education and research on state of art robotics. With continuous operation in mind, Kobuki provides power supplies for an external computer as well as additional sensors and actuators. Its highly accurate odometry, amended by our factory calibrated gyroscope, enables precise navigation. Included components: Kobuki Base 1x4S1P battery 2200 mAh Battery charger USB communication cable Functional specification Maximum translational velocity: 70 cm/s Maximum rotational velocity: 180 deg/s (>110 deg/s gyro performance will degrade) Payload: 5 kg (hard floor), deals 4 kg (carpet) Cliff: will not drive off a cliff with a depth greater than 5cm Threshold Climbing: climbs thresholds of 12 mm or lower Rug Climbing: climbs rugs of 12 mm or lower Expected Operating Time: 3/7 hours (small/large battery) Expected Charging Time: 1.5/2.6 hours (small/large battery) Docking: within a 2mx5m area in front of the docking station Hardware specification PC Con.
Kobuki is a low-cost mobile research base designed for education and research on state of art robotics. With continuous operation in mind, Kobuki provides power supplies for an external computer as well as additional sensors and actuators. Its highly accurate odometry, amended by our factory calibrated gyroscope, enables precise navigation. Included components: Kobuki Base 1x4S1P battery 2200 mAh Battery charger USB communication cable Functional specification Maximum translational velocity: 70 cm/s Maximum rotational velocity: 180 deg/s (>110 deg/s gyro performance will degrade) Payload: 5 kg (hard floor), deals 4 kg (carpet) Cliff: will not drive off a cliff with a depth greater than 5cm Threshold Climbing: climbs thresholds of 12 mm or lower Rug Climbing: climbs rugs of 12 mm or lower Expected Operating Time: 3/7 hours (small/large battery) Expected Charging Time: 1.5/2.6 hours (small/large battery) Docking: within a 2mx5m area in front of the docking station Hardware specification PC Con.