Here is a very nice set of 20 table numbers words that are CNC cut from super refined 1/2' MDF board. These numbers look great as is, or you can paint them, or use Mod Podge, glitter paint or just let your imagination run. If another quantity is required, let me know and I will quote the cost. Special orders require 2 or 3 days to make. Higher numbers above twenty can be created by combining words. These words are raw 1/2' thick MDF and are lightly deals sanded. The upper case of the words are between 3 5/8 to 3 7/8 inches tall depending on the letter. The word "One" is 7 3/8 inches long and the word "Thirteen" is 14 3/4 inches long. Super refined MDF or (medium density fibre board) is harder and cuts cleaner than lower quality MDF. It is also more dense and accepts paint better than standard MDF.
Product code: Script deals wedding table number set 1-20 free standing CNC cut super refind MDF