Two Custom Pet Portrait Paintings deals 6x6 hand painted dog, cat, kitten, puppy, pet love gift, pet memorial
Who doesn't love their pet?
What better way to share this love with everyone around deals you, as well as giving a gift of love to someone who owns a pet or has recently lost a pet.
Artist will create a totally custom personalized Pet Painting for you!
Artist needs:
~ 2-3 Clear headshots of the pet.
~ A background color choice.
Handpainted with acrylic paints on two (2) size 6"x6" stretched artist canvases. Photos you include will be used as the reference for the painting of this portrait. You can make each one be of the same pet or have more than one pet. But I can only fit one pet on each canvas.
Allow 2-3 weeks for completion of this custom artwork.
Any pet can be painted (dog, cat, lizard, horse, hamster, guniea pig, ferret, hedgehog, turtle, frog, mouse, the list goes on and on!)
Wonderful gift idea for any pet lover!
Listing is for two 6"x6" canvases.