Original Oil Painting on Canvas for wall Art and Home Decor, Impressionist deals Herbs Landscape, Mixed Painting by brush and palette knife.
This original painting was sold!
Your painting will be created very similar in same style, colors, you will receive the same quality and beauty of the painting as what you deals see from the pictures.
I can not promise you will get an identical one as you see from the photo, because only art prints/machine can do exactly same item. All my paintings are handmade, so, every brush strokes might be different, but I do promise you will get it in same quality and same beauty.
Original Oil Painting on Canvas for wall Art and Home Decor, Impressionist Herbs Landscape, Mixed Painting by brush and palette knife.
Title: flower rhapsody
Material: Professional oil paints, oil, canvas, hand-painted.
Mixed oil painting on canvas by brush and palette knife.
The painting is signed on the front and 100% guaranteed.
Your item will be carefully packaged to ensure it arrives in perfect condition. Most items ship with in 1-3 days of confirmed payment.
Exceptions are for new paintings which may still be wet. In this case it could take up to 10 days.
Paintings are normally sent using the Portugal postal system and will have a tracking number.
Please do not hesitate to ask me any question and I'll get back to you at the earliest opportunity.