Great mood, country house, stork nest, mongrel dog, sunny temple, summer landscape, oil deals painting, summer morning
Great mood, country house, stork nest, mongrel dog, sunny temple, summer landscape, oil deals painting, summer morning, It's a lovely morningSize - 64x45 cm (252х177 inches)Оriginal oil painting stretched canvas painted sides ready to.
Product code: Great mood, country house, stork nest, mongrel dog, sunny temple, summer landscape, oil deals painting, summer morning
It's a lovely morning.
Size - 64x45 cm (25.2х17.7 inches)
Оriginal oil painting, stretched canvas, painted sides, ready to hang.
You can decide for yourself how best to display it in your deals home. I will ship this item to you within two days of its purchase.
I will ship this item within two days of receiving payment. Please contact me with any questions! Thank you so much for your support!
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