Destash Lots – Old Inventory – Spirit Quartz Clusters – 030418 06
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I was strongly Guided to get into The Crystal Room, dig deep, and help some of my older inventory move on. Some of that inventory is what you're looking at here.
One of my favorite crystal types, Spirit Quartz. Also sometimes called Cactus Quartz or Fairy/Faerie Quartz. Spirit Quartz is found in South Africa and contrary to popular opinion is not only purple/amethyst in color. Spirit Quartz comes in a range of colors and all of them have such beautiful energy and vibration.
This is one of the medium-small clusters I have, showcasing a few points but they are on the shorter side. They do have the classic single points surrounded by smaller crystals and all are super sparkly as also typical. A bit of Golden Healer mineral intergrown into the cluster in some small areas. Palest Lavender Amethyst which is actually of a higher more Astral vibration than darker Amethyst. The tips of thje points have a bit of Cathedral-type growth which has created some small Trigonics and other interesting formations. The points sit on a large piece of quartz matrix. You can see from where several points broke off how the smaller crystals grow around the larger quartz points. A small amount of brownish mineral attached in places to the exterior.
This one measures approx. 9.4 x 8 x 6 cm at it's widest points and weighs 13 oz (369g)
Remember that energy emits from every-single-point on a Spirit Quartz no matter how big or how small or how bright sparkly or dull and mineral coated. They are energetic powerhouses. Even smaller Spirit Quartz can clear the energies of a room (and keep them clear) like almost no-other type of natural quartz crystal configuration. This is only my humble opinion, but I think everyone should have (and would benefit from) having at least one Spirit quartz in their home or favorite spot.
A year or two ago a mineral wholesaler in South Africa sent me a video showing where and how these Spirit Quartz crystals are mined. Whoa… Only basic digging tools and no safety measures whatsoever. You just start digging a hole, don't support the walls in any way and keep digging until it caves in, or. All in the 21st century of technology. I have absolute respect for the people risking their lives to bring these crystals to the surface. Probably taking the risks because the options for supporting their families are limited. (just going by the area I saw in the video) I'm not sure I could do it if it were me. Please respect and love these crystals in turn and remember how hard it was for them to arrive on your computer screen and into your homes.
Once upon a time, I used to travel to and sell crystals and minerals at a local psychic fair every few months. These clusters used to travel with me to be held and admired/loved by people and also sold. I used to have a great time there introducing people to things they may have never seen or known about before but sadly the fair stopped happening and there were no other semi-local ones to start going to instead. (Right now I live in a smaller city in a rather conservative region of the US, so there's not a lot of these types of things happening close by) Nice people and it's a really beautiful area, but just not as open minded as many of the other places I've lived.
These crystals have been with me residing in The Crystal Room for close to 10 years. Some people say they can feel the ‘extra' energy that comes with items that have resided in my Crystal Room. Some say the energy stays with the crystals and minerals that come from here, some say the ‘extra' energy eventually fades, some don't feel the marked difference I've mentioned here at all. Only you can decide, all crystals and minerals that come here to move thru me are loved and appreciated and welcomed equally.
These particular spirit quartz clusters did not share any sort of unique message with me before asking to move on. …However… I do have the ability to do crystal readings (a gift also known as Clairaudience) but it's not often that I share this information with the public. When I do receive a message I don't try to re-interpret or rephrase what I hear. I feel it's very important to share what was given to me exactly as I received it. This is their voice, it's not for me to try to re-word or even understand all of what I get. Someone else may understand what I don't, and thus why I don't change anything.
As I always say, you don't have to take my word for any of this. Please ask out to spirit or guides, or to the crystals themselves to verify the accuracy of what I'm telling you.
Now, a little about me. I'm a Reiki Practitioner (Master level) and also certified in multiple forms of Crystal Healing/Therapy. All of what I sell is selected by intuition and my experience working with the crystal/minerals in question. You won't find me selling mass amounts of every stone available, my offerings are very carefully chosen. Please feel free to ask me any questions before or after your purchase. I really do love talking about this stuff! I would be happy to charge your purchase with Reiki energy before shipping, just let me know.
Interested in having your purchased charged in a very special grid before shipment? If so please click or copy/paste this link for details:
Additional Metaphysical information about minerals, crystals and their special configurations can easily be searched up on the internet. PLEASE feel free to contact me with any questions you may have before purchasing.
Spirit Quartz :
Spirit quartz has such amazing energy similar to elestials, but packs more of an energetic punch deals. The pieces just sparkle with such vitality, no matter the size of the piece. Their energy is never too much. These crystals are such powerhouses, due to the coat created by the dozens of glittering points around the main crystal. They create movement of energy as they both send and receive energy like a double terminated crystal, just increased many fold. They are multi faceted healers and teachers. Spirit quartz has not been so easy to find lately, especially not in the purple hues of amethyst. These beautiful sparkling pieces are from South Africa.
This beautiful spirit will assist with awakening the mind, body and spirit. It propels one forward by helping one learn from the past.
Spirit quartz crystals have energy of the perfect balance of duality, male and female, the important aspect of this duality not being the manifestation of two opposites, but rather the perfection that can be found in the balance of the two.
A single crystal exhibits more energy emanating from the shaft covered in tiny crystals, than it does at the tip. It also assists in bringing the group energy of other crystals to the surrounding environment, enhancing harmony and peace in groups, in the family, and in other social and/or business environments.
The crystal is a wonderful companion when one is experiencing the loss of a loved one, bringing understanding of the process and assisting in transition, for both. It has also been used to activate and to cleanse other minerals, to enhance and to increase the energy of other minerals, and to activate the properties of the same. It enhances the energy transfer of other minerals to stimulate healing on all levels, and can also stimulate the manifestation of abundance in ones life. Abundance on the sense of more of something-directing the energy of the Spirit Quartz toward that which is desired and has been shown to facilitate an increase in that which is manifested.
The energy is multi-functional; energy moves outward in many directions and this Quartz structure has the capacity to draw or transmit energy through many paths provided by the crystals covering the main structures. It is quite useful for energy magnification and for stimulating all portions of the physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and subtle bodies.
Empathic crystals are ones which are chipped or damaged in some way. They promote understanding, compassion, kindness and empathy. They open and heal the hearts of those who have closed them while also protecting the open-hearted from too much pain.
Self Healed-
A damaged crystal that continues to grow new crystal structure over the area where the crystal is chipped, cracked or broken, in effect healing its own wounds. Self Healed Crystal will aid in any type of healing and self healing physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. Self Healed crystals are exceptionally supportive for those with strong emotional issues or traumas, or are struggling including the inability to let go of certain kinds of behavior. These are also wonderful crystals for healing practitioners.
ETSY DISCLAIMER: Etsy does not approve of any Metaphysical information that could be viewed as making claims of “healing” and/or look like “medical drug claims” referencing FDA regulations we have here in the USA. I'm not aware of the FDA governing the sale of crystals and mineral specimens, especially when they aren't eaten or injected into the physical body in any way; however, I must respect Etsy's rules (and the fact that they probably don't fully understand what I do here) or risk having my store shut down. Please note any reference of “healing” in my channeled messages I cannot prove, I am merely relaying information exactly as it was given to me. Each reader has do decide what they feel about the information for themselves. Any other metaphysical information that may mention a form of “healing” is information easily found on the internet but are not a personal writing or claim I'm making and I cannot prove or guarantee accuracy of the info. Each reader is to make their own decisions on this information.
Product code: Destash - Amethyst Spirit Cactus Fairy Quartz Crystal Point Cluster deals South Africa - Inventory Reduction