Nude Female Wall Art Original Oil painting on Canvas Woman Painting Large Canvas Painting Living Room Wall Art Abstract Canvas deals Art E60
Nude Female Wall Art Original Oil painting on Canvas Woman Painting Large Canvas Painting Living Room Wall Art Abstract Canvas Art
About Painting
-Painting:All are hand-painted acrylic paintings without outer and inner frames, just roll in tube.
-Designed and painted by Eva Malvina
-Style: Modern abstract style
-Material: Professional acrylic oil paints, art on canvas, 100% handmade.
-The painting come with EXTRA 2-3 inches white border around four sides for your stretching or framing.
► All the works in the store are created and designed by Eva Malvina. All her original works can be sold.
► This original oil painting has been sold out. If you like it, we can complete the same oil painting with similar tone, shape and detail.
►We can't guarantee what you buy will look exactly like what you see now because only machine prints can make 100% copy. All our paintings are hand-painted, so each stroke line will be a bit different, but we promise what you buy will be with the same quality as this one.
Custom order is acceptable, just send us your requested size for quote.
To protect painting well during international shipping, all paintings are ROLLED IN TUBE(Unframed/Not stretched) deals and shipped in a quality
plastic/cardboard tube to avoid damages, it's 100% safe.
You can decide to frame it or simply stretch it at any of your local framing shop, depends on your taste.
Phone number and zip code must be accurate when you place the order in order to ensure the correct delivery. Thanks.