Large Beige Painting, Pink Oil Paintings on Canvas,Large Original Wall deals Mural Painting, Abstract Beige Painting,Modern Abstract for Wall
deals Large Beige Painting, Pink Oil Paintings on Canvas,Large Original Wall Mural Painting, Abstract Beige Painting,Modern Abstract for Wall
A handmade acrylic / oil painting on the canvas.
Frameless / not stretched.
To protect paintings during international transportation, all paintings are transported using high-quality plastic / cardboard tube rolls (frameless / non-stretched) to avoid damage, are 100% safe, and once stretched, the painting can be restored to its original state.
After the oil painting is completed, I will take a photo for you to confirm that there is no problem with the oil painting. I will roll it up and send it to the address you provided by Fedex
All the goods are delivered free of charge.
They are handmade and take time.
When you place an order, you will receive a notification email with tracking information.
❤Delivery time.
In most countries, your purchase will arrive within 1-2 weeks after successfully placing the order.
"Custom order.
Each painting has multiple size options.
If you can't find the right size, please contact me to customize the order.
"customer service.
If you have any questions about the delivery, or if you have any questions about the paint, or if you are not satisfied with the order for other reasons, please contact us and we will solve all the problems!
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