Bride Bouquet, Artificial Wedding Bouquet : A Classic Garden Bouquet of Silk Flowers Pink Rose, Blue Hydrangea, Peony, Anemone, Dusty deals Miller
In delicate tones of blush pink, blue and creamy white, this silk wedding bouquet features a romantic blend of faux flowers and foliage. The stems are wrapped in elegant vintage blue satin ribbon, but other options are can be accommodated. (When placing your order, just let me know in the notes section if you want something different from what is shown).
Size: approximately 10” wide by 11” tall.
***This bouquet is ready to ship!*** If you need companion pieces for your wedding party just let me know!
...While these bouquets look natural, they are actually made of the most realistic silk & faux floral reproductions I can find. They are sturdier than the real thing and their long-lasting beauty makes them the perfect wedding keepsake. They look lovely in a vase, too!
If you are interested in having these shipped to a location outside of the contiguous United States, please let me know and I would be happy to provide a personalized shipping deals quote.
To view my other Etsy wedding bouquets, please visit:
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