Seven deals Chakra Natural Healing Gemstone Crystal Bonsai Fortune Money Tree for Good Luck, Wealth & Prosperity-Home Office Decor
Seven Chakra Natural deals Healing Gemstone Crystal Bonsai Fortune Money Tree for Good Luck, Wealth & Prosperity-Home Office Decor Spiritual Gift
1000 Beads
Height: 18 to 20 inches
Natural Gemstone chips
Base: Wood
Seven Chakra Natural Color Healing Gemstone Tree with gemstones as the leaves and wires as the branches and the trunk and a piece of wood as a base. It can create a space where energy can freely flow and also attract good things! The energy of gemstone trees is one of freely flowing abundance.
100% Natural Clear Quartz Gemstone chips.
Gemstone Trees are a beautiful way to add a positive energy.
The best place to put the crystal tree is your living room and the table of your office.
This Feng Shui Bonsai Tree is a powerful tree of abundance.